#Thought leadership





8 Survey Report Hacks to Rise Above the #ContentMarketing Noise


? How do you rise above the #contentmarketing noise? In today's hyper-competitive B2B environment and in a content-cluttered world, establishing thought leadership is critical for success. One powerful tool for achieving this is leveraging survey reports. In this 20-minute talk, we’ll provide valuable insights on how to use survey data to proactively establish #thoughtleadership, build influential survey reports, and unleash proven tactics for making an impact.

Unlocking the Power of Content: Using Employee Advocacy for Engaging and Impactful Distribution


Content with no distribution strategy is as good as no content at all. You've got to understand how to distribute it effectively because otherwise content is sitting idle and becomes wasted potential, or worse, a recipe for missed opportunities. In this session, we’ll dissect one of the most powerful distribution channels available to any organization: their employees. We’ll show you how to create an effective employee advocacy program that’s not just engaging for your team, but also super effective at distributing your content. We'll explore how you can transform your employees into brand ambassadors, amplifying your content's reach and impact in a way that's simple, intuitive, and incredibly powerful. This is a session you won’t want to miss as we promise it will change the way you think about content distribution.

Give the People What They Want: How Switching to Demand Generation Helped Increase Our MQLs


Gatekeeping your content may be costing you more leads than it creates. In this session we will dive into the difference between lead generation and demand generation, and the business implications that come with each strategy. We will review the role of content in building demand and how to create an effective, long-term demand generation strategy that can drastically improve your brand positioning and increase your lead haul. Key takeaways: What is demand generation and how does it create a long-term, sustainable content marketing strategy that can replace traditional lead generation practices? How can you plan for demand generation and map diverse content to reach your target audiences? Why measuring the impact of your content strategy on key metrics such as MQLs, brand awareness, organic traffic, and engagement is critical for the success of the strategy.

From Budget Constraints to Targeted Success: A Case Study in Narrow ABM


Many organizations face the challenge of achieving marketing goals with limited budgets. This presentation explores how a narrow Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy can be a powerful tool in this scenario. We'll delve into a real-world case study of an Enterprise marketing motion focused on a tightly defined customer list for upselling and cross-selling, alongside an even more targeted list of prospects for introducing new technology. You'll learn about the specific tools used to create content, launch campaigns, and measure the effectiveness of this narrow ABM approach. By the end, you'll gain valuable insights into how to ac

Coffee Break


Building Influence: Online and In Person Through Visual Storytelling


Many of us have not been fully present both online and in person with others since the pandemic. Being influential is not reserved for extroverts: it is a learned skill that you can use to build your business and personal brand. Gain valuable insights on how to attain influence both online and in-person through this hands-on session about LinkedIn, infographic storytelling, and how to get the most out of events.

Influence and Integrity: How to craft a content strategy without compromising your Pro-Israel Values.


Exploring the Importance of Companies Advocating for Israel Offering insights into effective advocacy. Examining Misconceptions and Risks, with Case Studies Discover actionable strategies to authentically demonstrate support for Israel, turning principles into strategic assets.

Blueprint for Brand Messaging: A Structured Approach


For companies at any stage, from early stage startups to large multinationals, a clear brand message is essential. It’s easier than ever to generate content with AI, so ensuring that your content aligns with your brand's core message is even more crucial to achieving your goals. This session introduces a systematic framework to get into the minds of your audience, analyze your competition, and craft compelling company messaging. You will learn how to capture and convey the essence of your brand in content that resonates. Whether refreshing your existing brand or building from the ground up, you will gain a methodology for creating consistent and impactful communications.

The CMO's Secret Weapon: Content-Powered Sales Funnels


A case study of leveraging webinars for awareness and pipeline, introducing how Blend leveraged the power of webinars by smart uncovering high-intent buyers with intelligent conversational AI engagement, resulting in 4X in meeting scheduling. Points to be discussed during the presentation: - The transitioning role of CMOs to sales funnel creation: from brand Champions to sales engine builders - Content that converts: Content-driven lead generation and smart utilization of webinars - Content is king, but engagement is queen: how Blend Leveraged Conversational AI-backed Webinar Platform to Generate Sales Qualified Meetings Main key takeaways: - Provide a Clear blueprint for live events: How companies can leverage virtual events for lead nurturing: How to select the right content that provides real value How to design an online event with the right orchestration for impact How to create engagement that will both resonate with participants and will simultaneously uncover hidden buying intent

Lunch & Networking


Content Saturation and Audience Attention: How to create a community that listens to your every word


In today’s busy world, It's hard to get people’s attention so you have to be smart, thoughtful, prepared and understand what your audience really needs to gain a following. Defining your niche,creating a rewarding audience experience, planning for the long term and engaging with the right channels is essential. Understanding how to break through the noise is an important attribute of successful content creation, curation and publishing.

Making Content Marketing Decisions Based on Data


Whether we are creating content for a new blog post, automated email, or Facebook ad, we always start by looking at what the data tells us before making any decisions about what to write. We take SEO data into account alongside the metrics we see from Google Analytics and our various marketing tools to help make an informed decision that will truly resonate with our target audience. Over the past year, we’ve experienced tremendous growth across various teams within our marketing department thanks to having data direct our decision making when it comes to content marketing. I’d like to explore this further from both a B2C and B2B perspective and discuss how the right content backed by data can be the difference between success and missing the mark in today’s competitive landscape.

How to Adapt and Thrive in a Fast-Evolving Content Ecosystem


Content creators, especially in Israel, are navigating a tumultuous time. Budget cuts (which often begin with marketing cuts), the impact of AI, and a challenging environment, have impacted us all. AI in particular has transformed how content is produced. Of course, as with all change - there is opportunity. The talk will explore the intersection between content and marketing and how content producers can adapt and thrive in this fast-evolving ecosystem.

Getting Your Marketing Message Across During a Crisis


It’s hard enough cutting through all the noise distracting your target audience, but when there’s bad news around what you’re trying to sell, it can seem impossible. But it can be done – with a strong strategy, nimble tactics, and a little luck. We’ll talk about addressing the issues but not focusing on them, and how to tell the positive story well enough and long enough that it replaces the negative story. We’ll look at how the 2023 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit overcame regional security threats and internal protests to attract thousands of overseas attendees, as well as the inside story of how Morgan Stanley mitigated business risks from local government and citizens groups to one of its key investments.



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